Growth Season
Growth Season
GROW YOUR STORY with Elroy Byam
It is a particular joy to send this episode out into the world. Growth Season is excited to introduce you to Elroy Byam. You might know him already, but just in case, here's more about him.
Elroy Byam is a producer, ideator, creative consultant, and visual storyteller who’s been working in media for over 8 years. He believes in a world where people can develop healthier relationships with themselves, their work, and others if they take more time for self-reflection. He is also the author of “And Every Day: How to Rediscover Yourself in Your Story.” Through the book, he hopes that people can find themselves, find their gifts, and find a community to share them with.
Season sat down with Elroy to glean from his experience, story, and expertise so that this community could grow in a unique way.
There is more to come from creative giant.
Keep watching.
You can Elroy Byam here -
@elroykbyam on IG
"And Every Day" book
Season Cromwell
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~ Audio Video Production ~ Josue Garcia, Season Cromwell