Growth Season
Growth Season
This episode of Growth Season we will be talking to Dr. Sharlene Ottley. Expect awesome and genuine. Dr. Ottley has a sincere desire to see and HELP others to grow.
More on Dr. Ottley -
By day, Sharlene Ottley is a speech-language pathologist and researcher who holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Her passion and research interests include developing programming and conducting research to improve language outcomes for those from diverse, marginalized, and socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Sharlene is also an image consultant and style blogger, working primarily with women to develop their own unique sense of style and improve overall self-concept. Sharlene has a deep desire to help others improve their overall communication through more traditional support in the area of language, or through style.
We discuss community support, self-doubt, and a host of other honest topics as Growth Season highlights another story with its own nuances of development! Different stories help to relate to different people. It's in this way where we desire to create a sense of community and diversity. We all have our stuff and we are all different. One thing is for sure - success is measured by how we respond to life, not by what we have. What a gift.